Dr.ir. Gautham Ram is an Assistant professor of electric mobility in the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. His current research focuses on electric vehicles, EV charging, batteries and power electronics. He received his PhD from Delft University in 2018 for the development of a solar-powered V2G electric vehicle charger compatible with CHAdeMO, CCS/COMBO. From 2017 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft. He is involved in many projects at national and EU level concerning electric mobility such as OSCD, Trolley 2.0, Flexgrid, TULIPS, FLOW. He is the coordinator and lecturer for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Electric cars on edX.org with 200,000 learners from 175 countries.
Vehicle to grid technology opens up the opportunities for using the electric car battery as a mean of energy storage. In this presentation, we will look at emerging technology trends in V2G from the charger and vehicle at OEM perspective. Specific technologies of focus include onboard vs offboard V2G chargers and their communication requirements.
We will delve into charging EVs from solar energy including direct DC charging and solar electric vehicles – the objective here is to reduce the net well-to-wheel emissions of the vehicles to zero and to use the vehicle as a storage for solar energy. Finally, we will look at vehicle to X (everything) technology for offgrid applications, and the potential of using autonomous electric vehicles as a movable storage.