Moderator: Henk Schol
14:00 Opening venue
coffee & tea | start infomarket
15:00 Opening Conference
Deputy of the Province Noord-Brabant | Mrs. Spierings
Policy & Results
15:10 Mission & Background DeeldeZon
Zonnova | Johan Janse | Marc Okhuijsen
15:20 The contribution of V2X
Zenmo | Naud Loomans
AirQon Breda | Tom Rozendal
15:40 DeeldeZon Project Results
Ecopower | Pajopower | Zuidtrant | Sophie Loots
Fluctis | Arthur Bennink
aug.e | Bart Gentens
Buurauto | Alex van der Woerd
16:00 Recommendations
VER | Robbert Monteban
AVERE | Philippe Vangeel
The Future is Now
16:15 SCALE
ELaadnl | Baerte de Brey
16:30 Fiscal & Regulatory matters
PWC | Niels Muller
16:45 V2X technology developments/trends
TU-Delft | Gautham Ram
17:00 Product Developments
HELIOX/PRE | Menno Kardolus
17:10 Living lab subsidies
RVO | Pieter van Kerkhof
17:20 – 18:10 Break
18:10 Large scale V2G on SPOT market
Lightyear | Mayk Thewessen
18:20 E-car sharing
MyWheels | Henri de Jong
V2X- Applications
18:30 Panel discussion end-users
led by Marina van Helvoort (VER)
18:50 AirQon | Stephan La Haye
19:00 Supplier pitch
Fluctis, Venema, Alfen, V2G Liberty, HELIOX/PRE
19:20 Panel discussion V2X suppliers
led by Marisca Zweistra (Elaadnl)
19:40 Key-learnings
Henk Schol
20:00 End of conference